This month I am putting the finishing touches on a film I’ve shot over the past two years. The final project will be a half-hour in length and will consist of bay scenes from all seasons. I have enjoyed filming bald eagles, great blue herons, snapping turtles laying eggs, a “herd” of seven deer along the shore and a moose that walked right by our house and into the bay for a dip!
My “bible” for research and inspiration has been the award winning book “Confluence”, written by Franklin Burroughs of Bowdoinham. Recently the book was granted a literary award both for its lusciously eloquent writing as well as it’s stunning photography by Heather Perry. I am featuring both Franklin and Heather within the video. Franklin is seen demonstrating sculling and poling techniques while scouting for his much beloved ducks. Heather, a National Geographic photographer living in Bath dons a full wetsuit and immerses herself into a freezing river amidst hordes of alewives. I was along with an underwater video camera an am very excited about this footage!
Much of the video depicts students and teachers of all ages: John Lichter, a Bowdoin College professor with his environmental studies class. Rick Wilson of Brunswick High with his students. Rick’s students — “youth leaders”– teaching elementary school students at the Cathance River Education Alliance summer camp programs.
The video, like Merrymeeting Bay is also a confluence: a gathering of nature and nurture; of students and educators; of sportsmen and recreationalists. I am very proud of it. I am humbled by my good fortune of living on these shores.