Update for 2017

2017 has been a big year for production. We have completed work on several projects with the Center for Small Town Jewish Life (at Colby College) and we have been engaged in a state-wide screening of our documentary: “Community Conservation: Finding the Balance Between Nature and Culture”. Film trailer here: https://vimeo.com/204935797 The project, filmed over… Continue reading Update for 2017

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Summer Projects Update

It has been a long time since I’ve updated this blog as the summer has been very full, both from a personal and business perspective. So I’ll try to summarize some of my summer business highlights here. Early in the summer I was again asked to join in an emmy judging group. We judged “best… Continue reading Summer Projects Update

Categorized as MI Blog

Budgeting Your Production

We were asked recently to give a presentation for the Maine Public Relations Council.  Part of the event was a discussion on video budgets.  Following are the notes from this discussion based on a formula which MI Media uses for its budgeting process. Budgeting your production How are budgets determined? A client’s guide There are… Continue reading Budgeting Your Production

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Final Touches

This month I am putting the finishing touches on a film I’ve shot over the past two years.  The final project will be a half-hour in length and will consist of bay scenes from all seasons.  I have enjoyed filming bald eagles, great blue herons, snapping turtles laying eggs, a “herd” of seven deer along… Continue reading Final Touches

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